We are a product of passion, founded by a dynamo with wits as sharp as his scissors. Michael O’Rourke built an empire by breaking all the rules. From the first, Sexy Hair was a welcome splash of red in a world of weary black and white, and proof that fun can be a seriously powerful serum. His philosophy inspired an army of awesome ambassadors, who subscribe to the school of “anything is possible”.
We believe in making waves. Turning up the volume. Being seen and heard. Because if there’s one thing we’ve learned it’s that you’ve gotta take a risk to get the reward. And with Sexy Hair now sitting pretty in more than 60 countries and over 60,000 salons in the U.S. alone, our ubiquitous star logo stands as a testament to the incredible things that can happen when you’re not afraid to push a few buttons.
“Every woman wants to feel sexy so I put it in a bottle” – Michael O’Rourke